Banking and Computer Related Full Forms for Competitive Exams

In this article, you will get to know the most important abbreviations (full forms) related to the banking sector and computers. These abbreviations are asked in various competitive exams such as SSC, Banking, Railways, and many other exams. You can also get the PDF of the following list below the post. This topic has an important weightage in many competitive exams.

Important Computer and Banking related full forms:

  1. ADB – Asian Development Bank
  2. AI Artificial Intelligence
  3. ALGOL – Algorithmic Language
  4. ALU – Arithmetic Logic Unit
  5. ARPANET – Advanced Research Projects Agency Network
  6. ASP – Active Server Pages
  7. ATM – Automated Teller Machine
  8. AVI – Audio Video Interleave
  9. B2B – Business to Business
  10. BASIC – Beginner’s All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code
  11. BCC – Blind Carbon Copy
  12. BCD – Binary Coded Decimal
  13. BIOS – Basic Input Output System
  14. BMP – Bitmap
  15. C.T.R – Cash Transaction Receipt.
  16. C.T.S. – Cheque Transaction System.
  17. CAD – Computer Aided Design
  18. CADD – Computer Aided Design and Drafting
  19. CAG – Comptroller and Auditor General.
  20. CC – Carbon Copy
  21. CFRA – Combined Finance and Revenue Accounts.
  22. COBOL – Common Business Oriented Language
  23. CPU – Central Processing Unit
  24. CRR – Cash Reserve Ratio.
  25. CRR – Cash Reserve Ratio.
  26. CSS – Cascading Style Sheets
  27. CST – Central Sales Tax.
  28. DBMS – Data Base Management System
  29. DNS – Domain Name System
  30. DOS – Disk Operating System
  31. DPI – Dots Per Inch
  32. ECS – Electronic Clearing System.
  33. ENIAC – Electronics Numerical Integrator And Calculator
  34. EPFO – Employees Provident Fund Organization.
  35. FERA – Foreign Exchange Regulation Act.
  36. FORTRAN – Formula Translation
  37. FPI – Foreign Institutional Investors
  38. FPS – Frames Per Second
  39. GDP – Gross Domestic Product.
  40. GIF – Graphic Interchangeable Format
  41. GNP – Gross National Product.
  42. GPF – General Provident Fund.
  43. GPRS – General Packet Radio Service
  44. GSM – Global System for Mobile Communication
  45. GST – Goods and Service Tax.
  46. GUI – Graphical User Interface
  47. HDFC – Housing Development Finance Corporation
  48. HDMI – High Definition Multimedia Interface
  49. HSBC – Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation
  50. HTTP – Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
  51. HTTPS – Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure
  52. ICICI – Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India
  53. IDB – India Development Bonds
  54. IDBI – Industrial Development Bank of India
  55. IFAD – International Fund for Agricultural Development
  56. IFCI – Industrial Finance Corporation of India
  57. IFSC – Indian Financial System Code
  58. IFSC – Indian Financial System Code.
  59. IMAP – Internet Message Access Protocol
  60. IPV4 – Internet Protocol Version 4
  61. IPV6 – Internet Protocol Version 6
  62. IRDA – Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority
  63. ISDN – Integrated Services Digital Network.
  64. ITRS – International Transaction Reporting System
  65. JAR – Java Archive
  66. JPEG -Joint Photographic Experts Group.
  67. JSP – Java Server Page
  68. LAN – Local Area Network
  69. LCD – Liquid Crystal Display
  70. LED – Light Emitting Diode
  71. MICR – Magnetic Ink Character Recognition.
  72. NABARD – National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development
  73. NBFC – Non-Banking Financial Companies
  74. NEFT – National Electronic Fund Transfer.
  75. NTFS – New Technology File System
  76. OMR – Optical Mark Recognition.
  77. PAN – Permanent Account Number
  78. PCARDB – Primary Cooperative Agriculture & Rural Development Bank
  79. PDF – Portable Document Format
  80. PF – Provident Fund
  81. PHP – Hypertext Preprocessor
  82. PROM – Programmable Read Only Memory
  83. PSE – Public Sector Enterprises
  84. PSU – Power Supply Unit
  85. RDBMS – Relational Data Base Management System
  86. RRB – Regional Rural Bank
  87. SEBI – Securities and Exchange Board of India
  88. SEBI – Securities and Exchange Board of India
  89. SIDBI – Small Industries Development Bank of India
  90. SIM – Subscriber Identity Module
  91. SMPS – Switch Mode Power Supply
  92. SMTP – Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
  93. SQL – Structured Query Language
  94. TCP – Transmission Control Protocol
  95. TDS- Tax Deducted at Source
  96. UCO – United Commercial Bank
  97. UDP – User Datagram Protocol.
  98. UPS – Uninterruptible Power Supply
  99. URL – Uniform Resource Locator
  100. VGA – Video Graphics Array
  101. WORM – Write Once Read Many
  102. XML – Extensible Markup Language
  103. AJAX – Asynchronous Javascript and XML
  104. API – Apllication Programming Interface
  105. BIOS – Basic Input Output System
  106. DVI – Digital Visual Interface
  107. FTP – File Transfer Protocol
  108. FAT – File Allocation Table
  109. FIFO – First In First Out
  110. GPL – General Public Licence
  111. HDD – Hard Disk Drive
  112. IDE – Integrated Development Environment
  113. IC – Integrated Circuit
  114. JSON – JavaScript Object Notation
  115. LIFO – Last In First Out
  116. MBR – Master Boot Record
  117. NIC – Network Interface Controller
  118. OOP – Object Oriented Programming
  119. URL – Uniform Resource Locator
  120. USB – Universal Serial Bus
  121. VGA – Video Graphics Array
  122. Wi-Fi – Wireless Fidelity


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